Dalton Discovers the Ten Commandments
In a small town in North Carolina, an angel, Homer, makes his appearance to a young Dalton, at school one day.
Dalton knew he had never seen this new boy before. When Homer asked Dalton if he knew what worshiping was all about Dalton was a little shocked…of course he knew what worshiping was. It was when you go to church and learn about God.
Book Description
In a small town in North Carolina, an angel, Homer, makes his appearance to a young Dalton, at school one day.
Dalton knew he had never seen this new boy before. When Homer asked Dalton if he knew what worshiping was all about Dalton was a little shocked…of course he knew what worshiping was. It was when you go to church and learn about God.
Well, when Homer showed Dalton that he could be worshiping his handheld game he was so impressed with more than God. Dalton didn’t understand how that could be. Dalton’s supper time with his parents that night brought up the fact that they all had things they worshiped more than they should.
When Dalton’s mom and dad said their prayers with him that night they asked God to walk with them and take away the need to let other things become more important than they should be to always remember: You shall have no other gods before Me.
As these two travel the journey of discovering the Ten Commandments it is eye opening and heart warming.