Is “radical hospitality” a part of your Christian walk?

Welcome to Monday With a Mission

Several years ago, 2015 to be exact, I attended a meeting in reference to community colleges offering radical hospitality.

It was a phrase I had never heard, but was intrigued by how I could use it in writing about my Christian life.

After some research I discovered it was a hot topic in the church. Well, of course, it should be.

The life that Christ lived and taught was definitely radical hospitality. So, was I following Christ’s example?

Our true commitment to Christ should bring us out of our comfort zone.

My comfort zone was to “write” about Christ, but that was not enough. To step out of my comfort zone I had to make room in my heart for whatever I was going to do. I couldn’t just decide to go help feed those in need. My heart had to feel the need.

When I was given the opportunity to write a weekly column for our local newspaper I was thrilled. It would be a column which focused on faith in our community.

The realization hit me that I would have to interview people, to actually go to them, ask them questions.  I almost decided not to. How could I? It was not a part of my comfort zone.

God was showing me exactly what radical hospitality looked like for me. It probably looks different for you.

Because of that opportunity I was able to turn my love for writing about Jesus to publishing a couple books, speaking at many different locations, writing a blog, co-founder of a successful ministry, and leading a Bible Study. All because I stepped out of my comfort zone and offered radical hospitality.

God gave me the opportunity to write for the paper. He opened the door but I had to walk through it. I had to agree to step out of my comfort zone so I could be what God intended for me to be.

One of the most exciting experiences was when I was able to talk with T. C. Stallings. Tyler Brock captured this picture as T. C. took time to share a special story with me before speaking at Bicentennial Park. That brief interview was inspiring and motivated me to move further outside that comfort zone.

Vulnerability is a good word to describe radical hospitality in the Christian sense. You put yourself out there to the world. Which is exactly what Jesus did.

How can you offer radical hospitality to someone by stepping outside your comfort zone. Maybe it will be the man in the picture who you give hope to, or the neighbor who you bring a cake to. God will bring them to us or us to them, we have to be willing.

Thank You, Jesus for living radical hospitality and showing me how. Use me today. In Jesus name. Amen



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